Slides for Talking Nuclear, Stage 1
This slide deck is designed to be used in conjunction with the substack piece, Talking to People about Nuclear Power, Stage 1.
Slides for Talking Nuclear, Stage 1 Read More »
This slide deck is designed to be used in conjunction with the substack piece, Talking to People about Nuclear Power, Stage 1.
Slides for Talking Nuclear, Stage 1 Read More »
The most extreme example of the unnecessary problems the nuclear power establishment has created for itself — and humanity and the planet — is tritium. This paper outlines how tritium has been elevated from a common, innocuous radioisotope to a major burden for nuclear power.
The Gordian Knot Group is not in the climate modelling business. But we are supposed to be solving the Gordian Knot, half of which is global warming. It behooves us to understand the latter. This paper investigates how well the climate models have done in replicating planet heating to date. Based on that performance, the average of the model temperature projections in any given emissions scenarios is probably 40% too high.
Are the climate models running hot? Read More »
The conflicting roles of Big Oil and the Rockefeller Foundation in the early days of nuclear power.
Is Big Oil the reason nuclear power flopped? Read More »
This notes asks the question: why don’t we regulate nuclear power the way we regulate coal?
Nuclear is Too Costly Read More »
Despite what many nukies try to claim. nuclear power and wind/solar do not play nice together. This piece explains why. But for more importantly, it makes the point that, unless nuclear power is truly cheap, as cheap as it can be, it will make a dent in neither energy poverty nor global warming.
Nuclear and Wind/Solar Read More »
Sigmoid No Threshold (SNT) or any model of radiation harm that recognizes the importance of our repair systems and the fact that those systems can be overwhelmed if the dose rate is high enough cannot use the ICRP/NCRP procedure for estimating the harm due to ingesting radioactive material. The ICRP simply accumulates the dose over the entire time that an isotope is in the body, which usually is many repair periods. Dose rate is irrelevant. This paper uses SNT to estimate the harm associated with ingesting contaminated food after a release. It gets pretty deep into the weeds. The paper
SNT and Internal Radiation Read More »
It’s easy to criticize the current nuclear regulatory system. But we need a replacement. What should it look like? Here’s my proposal.
Underwriter regulation of nuclear power Read More »
I don’t expect to make it to 90. So I had to write this history a little prematurely. It tells the sad tale of how another opportunity to use nuclear power to solve the Gordian knot foundered on the Two Lies reef. jack
The Nuclear Revival that Never Was Read More »
In Part 1, we found we probably have the better part of a century to react to global warming. In Part 2, we discovered the enormity of attempting to replace fossil fuel. If we screw this up, we could kill billions and rip civilization to shreads in the process. We also found that the current plan based on wind and solar has been and will continue to be a massive failure. So what should we do? This paper argues that the answer is nuclear power. But it must be truly cheap nuclear. Expensive nuclear is no where good enough. Thanks
A Plan That Adds Up. An Engineer Looks at Global Warming, part 3. Read More »