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- Create Date July 23, 2024
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The nuclear establishment never fails to disappoint.
When it comes to spent nuclear fuel,
the stupidest thing we can do is argue for deep geologic disposal.
This is trebly idiotic.
1) It puts already mined, valuable material in place
whence it is difficult to impossible to recover.
2) It is a horrendous waste of resources.
By making nuclear more expensive,
we guarantee there will be less nuclear.
Less nuclear means more fossil,
more pollution, and more CO2.
3) It convinces everybody
that aged spent fuel is uniquely dangerous.
Why else would you spend billions of our money in this manner?
In fact, 600 year old spent fuel is just another poison.
You must swallow this glass for it to harm you.
Bacon is probably more dangerous.
You are much more likely to eat that carcinogen.
This set of slides outlines
a plan for handling spent nuclear fuel
which makes sense.
The nuclear establishment will reject it,
because they are far more interested in extracting taxpayer money,
than they are in providing cheap, pollution free, low CO2 electricity.
This is criminal selfishness.